Biological production


If you would like to report a possible adverse reaction or quality defect of any of Veterinarski Zavod Subotica products, please contact your veterinarian or pharmacist or Medicines and Medical Devices Agency of Serbia (ALIMS) or you can use our website to report adverse reactions.

If you report adverse reaction or other problems related to the safety and quality of the products of Veterinarski zavod Subotica, we will be legally obliged to use your report and we can contact you to get additional information. In addition, we will have to inform the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency of Serbia (ALIMS) about the application you sent us. In accordance with our legal obligation, the information you have provided to us will be forwarded in a form that prevents identification, ie. no information on the basis of which you can be identified will be forwarded. Also, we may have to pass this processed information to other companies of the Labiana Group, to which the Veterinarski Zavod Subotica belongs and to the partners we cooperate with, to the extent that they are also obliged to inform their competent regulatory authorities.